Free Journaling Prompts:

31 Days of Archetypal August


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Hello + Welcome
My name is Sarah Jenkinson

My longing to understand the “whys” of daily life has always propelled me to be a seeker and questioner. Even as a young person, my mind often wandered into realms of the philosophic or existential. It used to make me feel like quite the odd duck. I mean, few people these days are particularly interested in, say, mythic archetypes.

Seasonal Living Workshop Facilitator

But I was. And so I read the works of Joseph Campbell and Rudolph Steiner. I completed an Honours BA in Celtic Cultural Studies at the University of Toronto. I did years of research on mythology, history and archetypal imagery – mostly for my own interest. I thought it was a hobby. But then, slowly, the ideas synthesized, the research showed commonalities, and the pieces began to fit together.

I now use what I know about Seasonal Archetypes, Universal Cycles, and the science of the subconscious mind to plan my goals, structure my time, and create my own path to hustle-free happiness.

And I teach others how to do this in their own lives, too.